About Us


From the start in 1978, OotM recognized the importance of many of the skills now emphasized in education today such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). The program combines that with history and art and has encouraged learning these subjects through the Classics and performance problems.

The program was introduced in Switzerland in 2004. Since 2007 and up to 2019, teams in Switzerland participated in OotM EuroFest and since 2009 teams in Switzerland have participated in the World Finals.

All OotM solutions require students to perform – whether it be in set-building, costume making, creating props, acting, singing, or playing an instrument. These skills are important to create a balanced education. Because the students are doing something fun and have ownership of their solutions, they are eager to perform. They develop self-confidence and public speaking skills along the way.


Spontaneous is that part of the competition that team members really get to shine and share those creative thinking skills that coaches get to see through the long-term problem process.

They are solved instantly using spontaneous creativity. Teams practice and prepare for the Spontaneous experience but the actual Spontaneous Problem they will solve at a tournament is not revealed to them until they walk into the room to solve the problem!

Spontaneous develops quick thinking, creativity, teamwork, and the ability to deal with the unexpected which are all important educational aspects of Odyssey of the Mind.

Logo for Odyssey of the Mind International.

If you’d like to take a more in-depth look into OotM, follow the link below.
